VDP Tech, Inc. | Experts in Variable Data Printing |
VDP Tech Technology
Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication
- Leonardo da Vinci
At vdptech we are taking pride in creating new technologies. We are striving to achieve this "ultimate simplicity", so that our technology can be seamlessly used with the new development as well as retrofitted into the existing frameworks. Our technology is used by a number of small and large companies: print controller manufacturers and print desktop applications. At this time we offer the following technologies:
PPML-3 and PDF/VT Advanced Implementations
Learn how to be the first on the market to produce and consume PPML-3 and PDF/VT
VDP Transparency Framework
The new framework intended to help the companies to embrace the new brave world
of VDP transparency. Combined with ABC Compression/Rendering
Technology it is directed to the ultimate goal of
achieving the highest-quality rendering at the
highest-speeds and at the lowest-cost.
ABC Compression/Rendering Technology
A revolutionary vdptech compression technology that
outperforms JPEG and other compression technologies 10 times. Combined with its
simplicity, it creates a solid base for the most efficient rendering and
PPML and VDX Framework
According to the feedback from our clients, we believe that our PPML
implementation is the simplest and the most flexible available implementation.
VPS Implementation
We are proud to use our experience in helping companies to produce the most
efficient VPS.